Enhancing business networking in the Lac Léman region and beyond.

Posts Written By: ei-dev

April 26th Speaker Event: EI Welcomes Swiss Astronaut Claude Nicollier

April 26th Speaker Event: EI Welcomes Swiss Astronaut Claude Nicollier
On April 26, Executives International members and their guests gathered at the Lausanne Palace Hotel to hear from esteemed Swiss astronaut, Professor Claude Nicollier. The renowned space explorer shared his stories of space travel and his own images from outer space. The presentation, ‘Lessons on Earth from Space Exploration’, was very well received by the EI audience and a great night was had by all.
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March 15th How The EI Startup Event Unfolded

March 15th How The EI Startup Event Unfolded
On March 15, 2018 Executives International hosted a special presentation evening, incorporating three new Swiss startup initiatives. Those fledgling brands were invited to present their ideas to the EI community, in an effort to secure sponsorship in the form of mentoring hours from our business specialist members.
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